Crafting Queens and Kings

This page is dedicated to the generous crafters who share their work for FREE!  I created this award to recognize their contribution to the crafting community, so please visit them, and if you watch a tutorial or download a file from them, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!  It is much appreciated by the creators!

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About Me

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Midlothian, Virginia, United States
Lifetime crafter, beginning with sewing clothes for my troll dolls when I was 5. Stampin' Up! demonstrator since 2000. Wife of almost 30 years to my high school sweetheart and planning on 30 more! Mom to 2 great kids and one awesome new son-in-law. "Mom" to 3 furkids, Pomeranians Roxy and Lulu, and a Calico cat, Sugar aka "Miss Fattypants." Addicted to all things Disney!