Inspired by Robyn at My Pink Stamper, I made this little Google search video, just for fun. It gives you a very quick idea of some of the things I love - besides Cricut, of course!
It's super quick and easy to make one, so give it a try!
Blog Archive
- ► October 2010 (5)
- ► September 2010 (1)
- ► August 2010 (1)
April 2010
- Stuff I love!
- "When Your Day Sucks" Bouquet
- And the WINNERS are....
- Candy Bar Purse is back just in time for Mom!
- Make Room For More Rubber and Ribbon!
- CELEBRATION - Blog Candy!It's not too late to enter!
- In Remembrance...
- Put a smile on your mail carrier's face - VINYL PR...
- Stampin' Up! Reveals New Color PaletteOrder Your F...
- New Jetmax Pieces at Michael's with PHOTOS!
- Announcing 16 Members of theRoyal Crafting Court!
- ENABLER ALERT!! Songbird Card Stock Stack
- Get rid of those blemishes and under-eye circles!!
- Hear Ye! Hear Ye!Presenting a new award!
- Gypsy Quick Tips
- Popcorn Box - Updated files and supply option
- ► March 2010 (10)
- ► February 2010 (15)
- ► January 2010 (24)
- ► December 2009 (23)
- ► November 2009 (13)
About Me

- Cindy McVey
- Midlothian, Virginia, United States
- Lifetime crafter, beginning with sewing clothes for my troll dolls when I was 5. Stampin' Up! demonstrator since 2000. Wife of almost 30 years to my high school sweetheart and planning on 30 more! Mom to 2 great kids and one awesome new son-in-law. "Mom" to 3 furkids, Pomeranians Roxy and Lulu, and a Calico cat, Sugar aka "Miss Fattypants." Addicted to all things Disney!
Hi, Cindy. I just noticed the new updates including Google video! How exciting are these new changes!!! I sure hope it's a lot easier than Photobucket because I had some major problems and timing issues there. Actually, I was planning on drawing out a hand tutorial for a little project I'll be posting -- maybe I'll try using Google video instead! Thanks for the heads up -- your always so helpful and sharing -- I appreciate that.
BTW, I hope your sister is doing a bit better; I have remembered her in my thoughts and prayers.
Fun!!! I like your avatar's new outfit!!
So cute! I tried to make one too but my system won't let me access the video creator for some reason! :(
Hi, Cindy!!! Happy NSD!!!
BTW, please ignore my email, I know what I did. Silly me, I accidently clicked on "Blogger In Draft"! LOL!
Cindy, I have something on my blog for you. When you can, come grab it.
Love it! Hope all is well:)
Hi, Cindy! Just checking in, I know you're job is keeping you busy, but wanted you to know you're in my thoughts. And, I miss seeing your wonderful projects!!!
Have a wonderful Mothers Day weekend!!!
Okay, Cindy. Now I'm REALLLLY worried!!!
Hi Cindy! Hope all is well. You are not usually missing in action for so long and I pray all is well with you.
Melissa M
Hi Cindy! I hope you're off doing such exciting and fun things you haven't had time to blog!
However, in case things are less than perfect ... here's a B-I-G cyber hug and wish that you let us know if we can help. :)
Hi Cindy, I hope all is well, just wanted to let you know you are missed,
hope we see you soon :)
Hi Cindy,
Just a quick shout out to say we all are missing you! Hope all is well with you and all the family. Check in soon 'cause we all miss 'ya!!
Cindy, I really hope all's well! I really-really miss you, my friend!
been a long time since you posted, please check in to let us know how you are
Check out this scrap booking resource site. I just got 10 free scrap book layouts. Very nice site. Also digital scrapbooking kits and other great stuff.
I posted the link enjoy everyone.
Is you sister ok? Are you ok? I miss your postings!
Cindy, I miss you! I sent you something and I hope you get it okay!
Hi Cindy,
Just check'en in to see how you are. Hope all is will on your end. Give us all a shout out when you can. We all are missing you much!
I am going to start scraplifting your stuff if you don't come back!!!!
Oh, Cindy, so many prayers are coming to you and your family from me. I hope for better!!!
Hey Cindy! just checking on you. Miss seeing you around. Hopefully you and your family are ok. Much love!
This comment is to let everyone know, Cindy is well but has been extremely busy with both work and personal matters. She misses us all as much as we miss her and hopes to be back as soon as she can.
She mentioned this is a hectic time that she goes through yearly, and desperately misses her blog activities and all her friends here who have demonstrated their concerns.
She asked that I convey a message letting you know there's no need to worry, and she'll be returning soon. And she thanks us all for our sincere concern with regard to her being awol.
Audrey, Thanks so much for the update and Cindy, can't wait for you to return and feed us some crafty goodness. Best to you all,
Add my thanks for the update also. I have loved Cindy's site and projects since I found the Cricut MB a few months back. I too noted no new notes or projects and was worried. I am glad she is okay, and please pass along that ALOT of people miss her and wish her well.
Glad to see the update, Audrey. Was just coming on here to inquire how Cindy's doing.
Looking forward to seeing you back here, Cindy.
Cindy! If you're checking in now and then...
hugs and smooches! Still thinking of you and hope to see you back again soon. As you can see we're missing you something terrible!!!
Hey Cindy! I'm missing you too, girlfriend. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I can't wait to hear from you again.
Hello Cindy! Thank you for asking Audrey to post a note for you ... I've been worried!
Have a great day and week and weekend (and summer, if it takes that long). :)
Miss you girl. I left you something on my blog.
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